HMAS Sydney (II) Search, Finding Sydney Foundation   Solving Australia's Most Enduring Maritime Tragedy
HMAS Sydney (II) Search, Finding Sydney Foundation    
HMAS Sydney (II) Search, Finding Sydney Foundation
H M A S   S Y D N E Y   I I
R O L L   O F   H O N O U R
S E A R C H   D I A R Y
V I S U A L   T I M E L I N E
P H O T O   G A L L E R Y
V I D E O   F O O T A G E
M E D I A   R E L E A S E S
T H E   F O U N D A T I O N
M A N A G E M E N T   T E A M
F E A T U R E D   S P O N S O R S
P R E S S   R O O M
V I R T U A L   M E M O R I A L


Royal Australian Navy

Western Australia

Australia's Coral Coast




Honour Roll


The Naval Association of Australia and the Finding Sydney Foundation has launched a Virtual Memorial on the Internet to honour the crew of the HMAS Sydney.

Please visit to view more.

For a downloadable list of the Honour Roll click here

Name Rank/Class/Branch State Country
Abernethy, Roderic Bell Petty Officer Telegraphist NSW AUSTRALIA
Absolom, John Francis Acting Leading Stoker TAS AUSTRALIA
Addison, Roy Hilton Acting Leading Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Agar, Lavington Henry Chief Mechanician VIC AUSTRALIA
Allison, John Albert Curtis Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Anderson, Cecil John Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Anderson, Ronald Harry Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Anderson, William Thomson Lieutenant Engineer NSW AUSTRALIA
Andrews, Arthur John Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Archbell, Allen Walter Acting Leading Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Armstrong, Harold James Ordinary Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Aumann, Cyril Acting Leading Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
Avery, George William Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Aylott, William Lewis Acting Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Ayton, Leslie George Ordnance Artificer 4th Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Bacon, Jack Cawston Lieutenant-Commander (O) OTHER UNITED KINGDOM
Bain, William John Able Seaman TAS AUSTRALIA
Baker, Victor Leslie Ordinary Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Baker, William Alfred Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Balding, Harold Ross Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Barclay, Victor Nathaniel Supply Assistant VIC AUSTRALIA
Barham, Eric Ralph Sick Berth Petty Officer VIC AUSTRALIA
Barker, Benjamin Joseph Herbert Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Barrey, Raymond Barker Flying Officer SA AUSTRALIA
Bartlett, Maxwell Edwin Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Batchelor, William George Warrant Engineer VIC AUSTRALIA
Bath, Walter James Ordinary Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Batten, Keith Carrington Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Baverstock, Ernest George Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Beattie, Alexander Leading Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Beattie, Eric Peter Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Beckett, Richard James Stoker TAS AUSTRALIA
Belcher, Edgar Raymond Wireman VIC AUSTRALIA
Bennie, Graham Russell Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Berwick, George Ross Wireman VIC AUSTRALIA
Bettany, John Henry Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Betterman, Donald Richard Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Bettinson, Walter Edward Leading Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Bevan, Hanbury Victor Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Beverton, John Troy Stoker QLD AUSTRALIA
Bibby, Ivo Ignatius Engine Room Artificer 1st Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Biggs, Alexander Baillie Warrant Engineer NSW AUSTRALIA
Biram, Bernard Frank Petty Officer Cook (O) NSW AUSTRALIA
Birch, James William Acting Leading Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
Blackwood, James Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Blake, John Shaldis Acting Leading Stoker SA AUSTRALIA
Blom, Leslie Michael Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Bodman, Anthony Arthur Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Bone, Gordon Frederick Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Bonham, Henry George Welfare Engine Room Artificer 4th Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Bonner, Reginald Mechanician 1st Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Bool, James Ordinary Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Booth, Ernest Albert Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Bowden, Laurence Stoker 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Bowes, Keith Andrew Joseph Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Box, Robert Aubrey Stoker 2nd Class TAS AUSTRALIA
Boyd, David William Acting Leading Sick Berth Attendant VIC AUSTRALIA
Bradley, Ross Ordinary Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Brennan, Ernest Norman Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Brind, Max Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Brodie, Raymond Roy Acting Leading Seaman TAS AUSTRALIA
Brooks, Donald Leslie Ordinary Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Brown, Thomas Garton Lieutenant VIC AUSTRALIA
Buchanan, Allan Ridley Morton Stoker Pettv Officer VIC AUSTRALIA
Buck, Clifton Charles Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Buckingham, Clarence Frederick Parett Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Buckley, Daniel Stanley Ordinary Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Budden, Keith Eric Acting Yeoman Of Signals NSW AUSTRALIA
Bundy, Frederick Philip Keith Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Bunting, James Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Burgess, William Robert Signalman NSW AUSTRALIA
Burgoyne, Maxwell Aubrey Leading Steward NSW AUSTRALIA
Burke, Kenneth Thomas Telegraphist VIC AUSTRALIA
Burke, Leslie Leading Cook (O) VIC AUSTRALIA
Burke, William Chief Engine Room Artificer NSW AUSTRALIA
Burnett, Joseph Captain VIC AUSTRALIA
Burns, John Reardon Acting Stoker Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Burnsyde, William Edmund Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Burrowes, Douglas James Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Burt, Alwyn Stewart Wireman VIC AUSTRALIA
Butler, Kenneth Norman Hilton Supply Assistant WA AUSTRALIA
Butler, Stanley Wilfred Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Byrne, Albert Edwin Sub-Lieutenant QLD AUSTRALIA
Cabban, Victor Roy Stoker 2nd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Cannon, Lionel James Telegraphist WA AUSTRALIA
Carey, Henry Robert Joseph Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Carey, Thomas Leslie Chief Petty Officer Cook VIC AUSTRALIA
Carr, John William Aaron Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Carthy, George Thomas Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Cartwright, Alexander Mitchell Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Catley, Raymond Rex Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Caudle, Douglas William Ordinary Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Challenger, Charles William Chief Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
Chapman, Neville Owen Ordinary Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Chapman, William Roy Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Charlton, Claude Leyshon Cook TAS AUSTRALIA
Christie, Albert Thomas Norton Stoker TAS AUSTRALIA
Christison, John Maxwell Ordinary Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Clark, Daniel Murchie Acting Leading Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Clark, Thomas Welsby Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Clarke, Arthur John Leading Aircraftsman VIC AUSTRALIA
Clarke, Harry Acting Leading Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Clayton, Alfred Stockdale Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Clement, William Ordinary Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Clifton, James Irvine Paymaster Lieutenant (S) WA AUSTRALIA
Clive, Alfred Walter Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Colbey, Robert Sabey Ordinary Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Cole, John Alan Lieutenant NSW AUSTRALIA
Cole, John Vincent Ordinary Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Cole, Sydney Arthur William Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Coleman, George Edward Wireman NSW AUSTRALIA
Colhoun, Robert Alan Stoker 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Collie, Cyril Brien Stoker 2nd Class QLD AUSTRALIA
Collier, Richard Thomas Acting Petty Officer VIC AUSTRALIA
Collins, Charles Ernest Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Collins, William Henry Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Conquit, William Clarence Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Cookesley, Clifford William Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Coonan, Bevis Royal Acting Leading Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Cooper, Alfred Langley Leading Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
Cooper, Arthur Donald Wilfred Stoker 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Cooper, Bertie Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Cooper, Reginald Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Cooper, Rex Albert Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Coppin, George William Assistant Steward SA AUSTRALIA
Cork, William James Morris Ordinary Seaman 2nd Class SA AUSTRALIA
Cormick, Thomas George Engine Room Artificer 4th Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Courtis, Roy John Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Cox, Harold William Acting Leading Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Cox, John Lionel Signalman TAS AUSTRALIA
Cragg, George Louis Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Craike, Brian Wesley Able Seaman TAS AUSTRALIA
Cranwell, Henry Alfred Geoffrey Stoker TAS AUSTRALIA
Craske, Benjamin Jack Ordinary Seaman 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Crawford, Thomas Alfred Acting Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Crocker, Leslie Joseph Petty Officer Cook VIC AUSTRALIA
Crowle, Jack Alfred Francis Stoker 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Cummings, James Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Cunnington, Alan Leonard Fyffe Ordnance Artificer 4th Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Curtis, Clifford Leslie James Wireman VIC AUSTRALIA
Curtis, Richard Petty Officer VIC AUSTRALIA
Curwood, Walter Leslie Wireman VIC AUSTRALIA
Dalton, Lionel Sydney Commander (E) NSW AUSTRALIA
Daniel, Kevin Henry Ordnance Artificer 4th Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Darby, Stanley Maurice Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Daunt, Arthur Robert Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Davey, John Stanley Petty Officer Cook VIC AUSTRALIA
Davies, Sidney John Electrical Artificer WA AUSTRALIA
Davis, Stanley Roy Leading Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Davis, Thomas Edgar Lieutenant NSW AUSTRALIA
De Forest, McAdam Carruthers Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
De Gracie, John Philip Ordinary Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Deacon, William Frank Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Deane, Wallace Bertram Ordinary Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Dee, Thomas Leading Steward NSW AUSTRALIA
Dempster, Herbert James Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
Devereux, Eric Gordon Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Dhu, Lionel Edward Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Diews, Bernard Albert Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Dimmock, Donald Charles Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Dix, Gordon Kenneth Acting Leading Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Dixon, Thomas Charles Leading Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Dobson, Herbert Hartfield Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Dodds, Richard Leading Aircraftsman NSW AUSTRALIA
Doxey, Alexander Harold Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Doyle, Edward Francis Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Drake, Albert Reginald Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Drake, John Richardson Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
Duncan, Emmanuel Robert Thomas Supply Assistant VIC AUSTRALIA
Dundon, Stephen Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Dunin, Thomas Steward VIC AUSTRALIA
Eagar, Alexander Vinrace Sub-Lieutenant QLD AUSTRALIA
Eddy, Edwin Ross Sub-Lieutenant VIC AUSTRALIA
Edenborough, Alan Grosvenor Ordinary Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Edgoose, John Franklyn Ordinary Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Edwards, Ernest Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Edwards, Frederick Acting Stoker Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Elder, Bruce Alfred Sub-Lieutenant NSW AUSTRALIA
Evans, Francis Richard Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Ewens, Robert Underdown Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Fahey, William Richard Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Farrand, Leonard Charles Ordinary Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Faulkner, Arthur John Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Ferguson, David Wallace Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Ferguson, Kenneth Charles Ordinary Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Fibbens, William Sidney Telegraphist NSW AUSTRALIA
Findlay, Gordon Lindsay Acting Ordnance Artificer 4th Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Finlayson, Harry Mechanician 1st Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Fisher, John William Leading Cook (S) NSW AUSTRALIA
Fitzgerald, Augustine Francis Blacksmith 4th Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Fitzgerald, Lloyd Gerald Acting Supply Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Fleming, Wilfred Stafford Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Foote, Reginald Eric Cook (S) SA AUSTRALIA
Forbes, Robert Gordon Staunton Ordinary Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Forsyth, Glenbervie Edwin Electrical Artificer 4th Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Forth, Herbert Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Foster, Norman Douglas Engine Room Artificer 4th Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Foster, Roy Ebenezer Corporal QLD AUSTRALIA
Foulkes, Robert Eugene Telegraphist NSW AUSTRALIA
Franklin, Edward William Leading Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Fraser, Noel James Ordinary Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Freer, Walter Edward Albert Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Friar, Jack Allan Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Frisch, Ernest Dudley Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Frith, William Railton Oliver Petty Officer OTHER UNITED KINGDOM
Fry, Robert Aubrey Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
Fryer, Kenneth James Ordinary Telegraphist NSW AUSTRALIA
Fuller, John Albert Ernest Warrant Shipwright NSW AUSTRALIA
Gale, Raymond Leading Supply Assistant NSW AUSTRALIA
Gamble, Frank Harold Petty Officer Telegraphist VIC AUSTRALIA
Gamble, Ronald Frederick Acting Petty Officer Telegraphist NSW AUSTRALIA
Gardiner, Heathcote Diggery Ordinary Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Garnett, William Henry Acting Leading Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Garrett, Basil Farmer Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Genge, Francis Harrison Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander NSW AUSTRALIA
Gentles, Harry Spencer Chief Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Gilsenan, Dudley John Steward VIC AUSTRALIA
Glackin, Thomas Nevin Stoker QLD AUSTRALIA
Glasby, Harold Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Goodwin, Neil Francis Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Goodwin, Wilfred James Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Gothard, Edwin Acting Petty Officer Telegraphist VIC AUSTRALIA
Graco, Henry Mathias Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Graham, George Albert Ordinary Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Greaves, Sidney Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Green, Arthur Eric Acting Stoker Petty Officer QLD AUSTRALIA
Green, John Rex Ordinary Seaman TAS AUSTRALIA
Green, Theo Lawrence Cook (O) NSW AUSTRALIA
Greenwood, James Herbert Ordinary Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Gregson, Michael Oswald Ordinary Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Grinter, Norman Francis Acting Leading Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
Gronberg, Ernest Edward Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Gwynne, David Andrew Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Haag, Francis Vincent Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
Hagan, Allan Steward NSW AUSTRALIA
Hammond, Lawson Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Handcock, Richard Daniel Lieutenant-Commander (E) NSW AUSTRALIA
Hare, Richard William Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Harricks, Sydney William Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Harrington, Albert Frederick Acting Leading Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Harris, Ronald Charles Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Harrison, Leslie Alexander Petty Officer Steward NSW AUSTRALIA
Hartmann, Frederick Holland Regulating Petty Officer VIC AUSTRALIA
Hasker, John Reid Surgeon Commander VIC AUSTRALIA
Haslam, Aubrey Cecil Acting Leading Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Hass, Mervan Loui Wallace Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Hattersley, Jack Osberg Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Hawker, George Clarence Steward WA AUSTRALIA
Hawkes, Sydney William Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Haynes, Frank James Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Haywood, George James Ordinary Seaman 2nd Class TAS AUSTRALIA
Heaton, Edmund Acting Electrical Artificer 4th Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Henderson, William Laurence Douglas Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Henrickson, John Olaf Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Herington, Henry Foster Stoker 2nd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Heritage, Roy George Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Herrod, Herbert Frederick Acting Leading Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Hewett, Edmund Herbert Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Hickey, Robert Arthur Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Hill, Douglas Hugh Stoker SA AUSTRALIA
Hill, Peter Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Hill, Robert Henry Engine Room Artificer 4th Class SA AUSTRALIA
Hobbs, George James Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Hogan, Michael Henry Ordinary Telegraphist SA AUSTRALIA
Holder, Edward Harrison Telegraphist NSW AUSTRALIA
Holm, Clarence Kenneth Asby Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Homard, Keith Leading Aircraftsman NSW AUSTRALIA
Homer, Arthur Wilfred Chief Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Honor, Charles Leslie Telegraphist SA AUSTRALIA
Hooper, Edgar Norman Ordinary Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Hopcraft, Robert Beauchamp Shipwright 3rd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Hore, Keith Beresford Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Horrigan, Cornelius Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Houston, John Kerr Acting Gunner SA AUSTRALIA
Howard, Leonard John Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Hudson, James Lloyd Signalman QLD AUSTRALIA
Hutchinson, Richard Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Hutchinson, Roy Harold Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Hutchison, James Robertson Stoker 2nd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Ingham, John Wakelin Acting Leading Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
James, Martin Curtis Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Jarvis, William John Stoker 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Jeffs, Francis William Ordinary Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Jennings, David Mathias Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Jesnoewski, Leslie Albert Ordinary Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Johnson, Percy Albert Stoker 2nd Class TAS AUSTRALIA
Johnston, Donald Erskine Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Johnston, Edgar William Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Johnston, George Writer VIC AUSTRALIA
Johnstone, Trevor James Armistice Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Jones, David James Acting Stoker Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Jones, Donald Edgar Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Jones, Ivan David Acting Engine Room Artificer 4th Class WA AUSTRALIA
Jones, John Banks Engine Room Artificer 4th Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Jones, Philip Trevor Chief Petty Officer VIC AUSTRALIA
Jones, Wilfred George Chief Shipwright NSW AUSTRALIA
Jordan, Ernest John Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Jordan, Horace David Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Joyce, William Robert John Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Keane, Walter John Chief Ordnance Artificer VIC AUSTRALIA
Kearnon, Rex Allan Ordinary Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Keenan, Francis Bernard Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Keith, Andrew Ian Lieutenant NSW AUSTRALIA
Kelly, James Vincent Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Kelly, Neville Andrew Stoker 2nd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Kennedy, Robert John Stoker 2nd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Kenney, Arthur Henry Lawrence Chief Petty Officer SA AUSTRALIA
Kent, Lloyd Shackleton Signalman VIC AUSTRALIA
Kettle, Edward James Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Kettyle, James Thomas Leading Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
Keys, Rodger Francis Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
King, Allen James Sub-Lieutenant Engineer SA AUSTRALIA
Kirkham, Eric James Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Kitchin, Clayton Peter Stoker SA AUSTRALIA
Kleinig, Arthur Albert Telegraphist SA AUSTRALIA
Knapman, Wesley Bowden Engine Room Artificer 4th Class SA AUSTRALIA
Knapp, Douglas John Stoker 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Knight, Neil Kenneth Steward WA AUSTRALIA
Kreig, Archibald Douglas Assistant Steward SA AUSTRALIA
Laffer, Peter Morton Ordinary Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Lang, John Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Lang, William Hugh Stoker 2nd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Lawler, Neil Charles Ordinary Seaman TAS AUSTRALIA
Lawson, James Neil Supply Assistant VIC AUSTRALIA
Laxton, Stewart Thomas Sick Berth Attendant 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Laycock, Royce Stanley Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
Lewis, Ambrose Henry Stoker Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Lewis, Desmond Henry Bandsman NSW AUSTRALIA
Lewis, Leslie Raymond Acting Leading Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Lillywhite, Harry Edgar Shipwright 1st Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Lockard, Terence Godfrey Acting Signalman TAS AUSTRALIA
Love, Snowden Edward Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Lowenstein, William Stoker TAS AUSTRALIA
Lowry, Frederick William Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Lynch, Stephen Maxwell Able Seaman TAS AUSTRALIA
Lyne, Raymond Vivian Ordinary Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
MacDonald, Frank Leslie Gunner OTHER UNITED KINGDOM
MacKinnon, Murdo Petty Officer WA AUSTRALIA
Males, Trevor Shipwright 4th Class TAS AUSTRALIA
Mann, Keith Arthur Ordinary Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Manning, Maurice Leading Cook (S) NSW AUSTRALIA
Marley, Sidney Flight Sergeant NSW AUSTRALIA
Marson, Albert Richard Mechanician 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Martin, Alan Douglas Ordinary Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Martin, James Hearle Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Martin, Leslie Frank Steward VIC AUSTRALIA
Martin, Leslie James Frederick Ordinary Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Matheson, Edward Austin John Ordinary Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Mathews, John William Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Maxwell, Ian Maxwell Ordinary Signalman TAS AUSTRALIA
Maynard, Thomas Francis Paymaster Commander (S) VIC AUSTRALIA
Mayo, Eric Elton Lieutenant SA AUSTRALIA
McAulay, Angas Campbell Band Corporal NSW AUSTRALIA
McAuslan, Arthur Robert Chief Engine Room Artificer VIC AUSTRALIA
McBain, Joseph Henry Chief Engine Room Artificer NSW AUSTRALIA
McCabe, Donald Wolsey Acting Paymaster Sub-Lieutenant (S) TAS AUSTRALIA
McCabe, Ernest Victor Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
McCallum, Duncan Canteen Assistant OTHER SCOTLAND
McClaren, Alfred Allan Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
McConnell, Robert Nicol Stoker 2nd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
McCulloch, Sidney Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
McCullough, Samuel James Wireman QLD AUSTRALIA
McDonald, John Dennis Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
McDougall, Wallace Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
McGowan, Thomas Henry Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
McGregor, Donald Alexander Cook (S) NSW AUSTRALIA
McHaffie, Edward Hunter Painter 1st Class VIC AUSTRALIA
McKay, Allan Murdoch Leading Supply Assistant NSW AUSTRALIA
McKechnie, Glen Morton Ordinary Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
McKenzie, Donald James Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
McKeown, Malachi James Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
McLean, William Ernest Stoker Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
McLeod, Herbert Charles Acting Leading Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
McLeod-Smith, Albert Fraser Petty Officer WA AUSTRALIA
Medlen, Lindsay James Sick Berth Attendant SA AUSTRALIA
Melandri, Percy Ernest Vincent Bandsman NSW AUSTRALIA
Menzies, William Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Miller, George James Cook (S) VIC AUSTRALIA
Miller, James Douglas Haig Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Miller, Kenneth Roscoe Ordinary Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Miller, Martin Patrick Steward VIC AUSTRALIA
Miller, Robert Alfred Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Milverton, Peter Frederick Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Minns, Leslie Charles Sick Berth Attendant VIC AUSTRALIA
Mitchell, Charles McGregor Paymaster Sub-Lieutenant (S) VIC AUSTRALIA
Mitchell, Francis Joseph Supply Assistant VIC AUSTRALIA
Mogler, Richard Charles Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Montgomery, Clive Alexandra Craig Lieutenant Commander OTHER UNITED KINGDOM
Mordaunt, Francis Xavier Petty Officer Writer NSW AUSTRALIA
Morisey, Ronald Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Morphett, Merton James Cook (S) NSW AUSTRALIA
Morris, Edgar Percy Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Morris, Raymond Keith Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Moule, Albert Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Mudford, Leslie Francis Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Mulhall, John Dillon Bandsman NSW AUSTRALIA
Murdoch, Raymond Charles Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Murray, Malcolm Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Mutch, Hector MacDonald Able Seaman OTHER UNITED KINGDOM
Myers, Henry William Stoker 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Nesbitt, Jackson Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Newman, Charles Albert Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Nicholls, Malcolm Godfrey Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Nichols, Francis Roy Ordinary Seaman 2nd Class TAS AUSTRALIA
Nicholson, Robert Wesley Warrant Electrician NSW AUSTRALIA
Nicol, Thomas Enright Wireman NSW AUSTRALIA
Noble, Charles Taylor Regulating Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Noell, Alfred John Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Norbery, Stephen William Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Norman, Charles George James Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Norman, Frederick William Leading Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Norton, John Thomas Henry Leading Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Norton, Montague Alfred Huxley Engine Room Artificer 4th Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Norton, William Frederick Cecil Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Nugent, Cyril James Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
Nyal, Leslie John Stoker 2nd Class WA AUSTRALIA
Oakford, Phillip James Ordinary Seaman TAS AUSTRALIA
O'Brien, Edward Bedford Shipwright 1st Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Ogilvie, Laurence Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Oliver, Alan Henry Ordinary Seaman TAS AUSTRALIA
Opas, Maurice Canteen Manager NSW AUSTRALIA
Owen, William Albert Warrant Officer Supply (S) NSW AUSTRALIA
Owens, Edward Harold Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Paling, Dennis Ross Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Parkes, Douglas Leon Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Parr, George Frederick Chief Electrical Artificer VIC AUSTRALIA
Partington, Leslie Warburton Bandsman NSW AUSTRALIA
Pascoe, Percival Holman Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Pastoors, William Cecil Stoker 2nd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Patrick, Charles William Ordinary Seaman 2nd Class QLD AUSTRALIA
Paul, Stanley Robert Stoker QLD AUSTRALIA
Payne, John Robert Sick Berth Attendant VIC AUSTRALIA
Peak, John McGhie Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Pearce, Eric Victor Acting Engine Room Artificer 4th Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Pelham, Frederick Charles Bandsman TAS AUSTRALIA
Perger, Frederick James Able Seaman TAS AUSTRALIA
Perryman, Richard Severn Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Peters, Maxwell Wesley Telegraphist SA AUSTRALIA
Peterson, James Edward Gunner (T) VIC AUSTRALIA
Peterson, Peter William Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
Phillips, Frederick Ernest Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Pike, John William Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Pitt, William Harold Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Platt, Robert Stoker 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Pople, Alfred Herbert Wesley Band Corporal NSW AUSTRALIA
Potter, Alfred William Ordinary Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Potter, Clyde Ashby Acting Supply Petty Officer WA AUSTRALIA
Powell, Lyal Llewellyn Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Prike, Joseph John Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Primmer, John Foster Roy Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Pritchard, Herbert Lloyd Ordnance Artificer 4th Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Psaila, Samuel Canteen Assistant NSW AUSTRALIA
Pulham, Edward George Montague Acting Leading Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Purdon, Eric Thomas Leading Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Purkiss, Cecil Edward Wireman NSW AUSTRALIA
Putman, Albert Edward Ordinary Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Quilty, John Edward Acting Petty Officer VIC AUSTRALIA
Quinn, George Frederick Petty Officer Cook (S) NSW AUSTRALIA
Ramsay, Ernest Wilson Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Ranford, John Irvine Ordinary Telegraphist SA AUSTRALIA
Ray, Harold George Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Redfearne, Charles Hugh Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Redmond, Eric Neville Ordinary Signalman WA AUSTRALIA
Reed, George Percival Writer VIC AUSTRALIA
Rees, Robert John Ordinary Seaman TAS AUSTRALIA
Reeves, Ellis Leslie Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Reeves, Raymond Henry Ordinary Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Reid, Graham Roy Signalman NSW AUSTRALIA
Reilly, James Bryan Acting Engine Room Artificer 4th Class VTC AUSTRALIA
Remfry, Ernest John Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Reville, Frederick William Warrant Engineer NSW AUSTRALIA
Ricardo, John Layton Chief Petty Officer Butcher NSW AUSTRALIA
Rice, Desmond Maxwell Stoker 3rd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Richards, Harold Nelson Acting Engine Room Artificer 4th Class SA AUSTRALIA
Richter, Arthur John Acting Supply Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Ridout, Robert Ernest Paymaster Lieutenant (S) VIC AUSTRALIA
Riley, Edwin Martin Ordinary Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Rippen, Adolf Heinrich Gerhard Telegraphist WA AUSTRALIA
Riters, Edward Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Roberts, Lyndon Irvine Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Roberts, Ronald Charles Assistant Cook VIC AUSTRALIA
Robertson, Michael John Leading Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Robertson, Thomas Noel Acting Stoker Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Robertson, William James Leading Cook VIC AUSTRALIA
Rogers, Charles Allan Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Rogers, Ralph Carey Signalman TAS AUSTRALIA
Rolfe, Edmund Sturgeon Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Rolley, Ernest David Steward QLD AUSTRALIA
Rosevear, Geoffrey Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Rosevear, Lance Able Seaman TAS AUSTRALIA
Ross, Donald Petty Officer Steward NSW AUSTRALIA
Ross, James Thompson Supply Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Rothbaum, Lionel Assistant Steward WA AUSTRALIA
Rowe, Allan Lawrence Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Rowe, James Ronald Jack Telegraphist WA AUSTRALIA
Rowe, Lindsay Thomas Stoker 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Rowlands, Harold Edward Supply Chief Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Rudall, Peter Sutherland Ordinary Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Salmon, John Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Sampson, Louis Nicholas Supply Chief Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Sands, William Archibald Martin Chief Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Savage, Leonard Roydon Stoker VIC AUSTRALIA
Sawbridge, George William Bandsman NSW AUSTRALIA
Schache, Walter Herbert Chief Petty Officer Cook VIC AUSTRALIA
Schmidt, Alan Hartley Ordinary Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Schoch, Frederick Harold Engineer Sub-Lieutenant WA AUSTRALIA
Schultz, Raymond Arthur Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Scott, George Gillick Acting Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Shadlow, Eric Henry Stoker 2nd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Shepherd, Alfred Horwood Acting Engine Room Artificer 4th Class WA AUSTRALIA
Shepherd, David John Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist NSW AUSTRALIA
Shiers, Arthur Ernest Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Shipstone, Henry Buccleuch Petty Officer QLD AUSTRALIA
Short, Harry Kenneth Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Sievey, Richard Thomas Ordinary Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Silk, Stanley George Chief Petty Officer OTHER UNITED KINGDOM
Simpson, Benjamin Petty Officer Telegraphist NSW AUSTRALIA
Simpson, Charles Henry Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Simpson, Reginald Austin Ordinary Telegraphist SA AUSTRALIA
Singer, Michael Morgan Lieutenant-Commander OTHER UNITED KINGDOM
Skewes, Percy Francis Schoolmaster QLD AUSTRALIA
Slater, Alec George Hamilton Assistant Cook VIC AUSTRALIA
Smith, Alfred James Stoker 2nd Class TAS AUSTRALIA
Smith, Allen Leslie Chief Electrical Artificer NSW AUSTRALIA
Smith, Cornelius Francis Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Smith, Douglas William Charles Engine Room Artificer 4th Class SA AUSTRALIA
Smith, Ernest Edward Frederick Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Smith, George William Stoker 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Smith, Ronald George Singleton Engine Room Artificer 4th Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Smith, Roy Clarence Supply Assistant NSW AUSTRALIA
Smith, Roy Somerville Stoker QLD AUSTRALIA
Smith, William Frederick Albert Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Smith, William Harrison Randall Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Smith, William Reginald Devine Acting Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Soutar, William Nicoll Supply Assistant NSW AUSTRALIA
Spiller, Harold James Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Staff, Robert Frank Steward VIC AUSTRALIA
Stammers, Robert Cook WA AUSTRALIA
Standish, George Frederick Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Stear, Ernest Victor Lloyd Bandmaster VIC AUSTRALIA
Steed, Philip William Ordinary Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Steele, Roy McLellan Morgan Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Stenton, Stanley Peter William Stoker 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Stephens, George Acting Yeoman Of Signals NSW AUSTRALIA
Stephenson, Walter Thomas William Stoker TAS AUSTRALIA
Sterling, Leslie Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Stevens, Horace John Bandsman TAS AUSTRALIA
Stevenson, Robert Stoker 3rd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Stride, Cecil Meadus Stoker 2nd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Striethorst, Raymond Conrad Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Stripe, Alexander Edward Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Strugnell, John William Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Stuart, James Richard Keith Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Stuart, William Fancourt Writer VIC AUSTRALIA
Stubbs, George Chaplain NSW AUSTRALIA
Stubbs, Kimberley Stoker 2nd Class WA AUSTRALIA
Sturla, James Robert Chief Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Sutton, Denis O'Reilly Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Sutton, Kingsley Acting Stoker Petty Officer VIC AUSTRALIA
Tabor, Frederick Arthur Acting Leading Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Tassell, Harry Woodrow Petty Officer WA AUSTRALIA
Tatters, George Nelson Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Taylor, John Telegraphist WA AUSTRALIA
Taylor, John Ernest Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Taylor, John McLean Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Taylor, Keith Ordinary Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Taylor, Kenneth George Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Taylor, Rupert Allenby Leading Stoker TAS AUSTRALIA
Tennant, Ronald George Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Thompson, Harry Edward Wireman VIC AUSTRALIA
Thompson, William Raymond Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Thomson, Archibald James Stoker WA AUSTRALIA
Thruston, Edmund Wybergh Commander OTHER UNITED KINGDOM
Townsend, Mervyn Clive Surgeon Lieutenant Dentist VIC AUSTRALIA
Treloar, Ian Thomas Roy Lieutenant VIC AUSTRALIA
Trenbath, Jack Stephen Stoker 3rd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Trenwith, Harry George Stoker Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Triggs, Robert Master-At-Arms QLD AUSTRALIA
Tuffin, Edwin Daniel Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Turk, Herbert Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Turner, George Alfred Ordinary Seaman 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Turner, Harold Signalman NSW AUSTRALIA
Turner, Kenneth James Ordinary Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Turner, William Ross Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Tyldsley, James Chief Yeoman Of Signals NSW AUSTRALIA
Tyler, Charles Desmond Bandsman VIC AUSTRALIA
Unwin, John Edward Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Uren, Thomas William James Leading Steward VIC AUSTRALIA
Vassett, Alexander William Electrical Artificer 1st Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Vogt, Ronald Matthew Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Wait, Howard Thomas Charles Acting Supply Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Waldron, Thomas Arthur Stoker 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Walker, Arthur Joseph Leading Cook (S) NSW AUSTRALIA
Walker, Edward John Yeoman Of Signals NSW AUSTRALIA
Walker, Kenneth James Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Walker, William Albert Gordon Leading Signalman WA AUSTRALIA
Wallace, William Raymond Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Walsh, Gordon Stuart Supply Assistant SA AUSTRALIA
Walsh, Michael Henry Joseph Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Ward, Frederick Ernest Charles Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Ward, James Joseph Richard Leading Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Ware, Leonard Frank Joiner 3rd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Warren, Vincent Bandsman VIC AUSTRALIA
Waye, Leonard William Acting Leading Stoker SA AUSTRALIA
Webb, Arthur Charles Able Seaman VIC AUSTRALIA
Webb, Oliver Ernest Raymond Acting Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Weller, Royce Henry Acting Shipwright 4th Class TAS AUSTRALIA
White, Hans James Leo Signalman VIC AUSTRALIA
White, Robert George Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Whitfield, Leonard William Chief Petty Officer Writer NSW AUSTRALIA
Whithear, Alan George Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
Wilkinson, Alexander MacKay Lieutenant-Commander NSW AUSTRALIA
Williams, Alfred David Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Williams, David Leslie Acting Petty Officer NSW AUSTRALIA
Williams, John Bruce Stoker 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Williams, John Harris Stoker 2nd Class WA AUSTRALIA
Williamson, Maurice Douglas Leading Stoker TAS AUSTRALIA
Williamson, Sydney Thomas Lawrence Acting Petty Officer VIC AUSTRALIA
Willis, George Boyd Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Willis, Lloyd Martin Cook NSW AUSTRALIA
Willis, Percy John Christian Plumber 1st Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Willis, Ronald Verdun Steward QLD AUSTRALIA
Wilson, Allan Robert Wallace Engineer Lieutenant NSW AUSTRALIA
Wilson, Clifford Telegraphist NSW AUSTRALIA
Wilson, Jack Stanley Able Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Wilson, Roderick Richard Sick Berth Attendant SA AUSTRALIA
Wilson, Roy Weeden Dawes Ordinary Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Windham, Russell Bertram Ordinary Telegraphist SA AUSTRALIA
Witton, Bertram Linsay Acting Leading Telegraphist WA AUSTRALIA
Wixted, Ronald James Stoker 2nd Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Wood, Arthur Thomas Able Seaman WA AUSTRALIA
Woodcroft, William George Leading Steward VIC AUSTRALIA
Woodhams, Reginald Bernard Craig Stoker 2nd Class WA AUSTRALIA
Woods, William Raymond Acting Engine Room Artificer 4th Class WA AUSTRALIA
Woodsford, Alfred Charles Acting Leading Seaman SA AUSTRALIA
Woolmore, Laurence Thomas Ordnance Artificer 2nd Class VIC AUSTRALIA
Worsley, William Cornelius Acting Electrical Artificer 4th Class NSW AUSTRALIA
Wright, Charles Alan Able Seaman TAS AUSTRALIA
Wright, Charles Patrick Signalman TAS AUSTRALIA
Wright, Harold Douglas Assistant Steward NSW AUSTRALIA
Wyatt, Eric William Telegraphist SA AUSTRALIA
Yeoman, Walter Clifford Stoker NSW AUSTRALIA
York, Leonard Denis Able Seaman NSW AUSTRALIA
Young, John Robinson Able Seaman QLD AUSTRALIA
Zammitt, Salvatore Michael Canteen Manager NSW AUSTRALIA

Note: Information provided in this Honour Roll is based on the best available knowledge, and may be updated from time to time.

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